Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Our Blogging Adventure: Open Post

This side facing up!
This something that I worked on in the past and It's a piece that really makes me proud. When I think about this piece, I think about what I can really do when I push myself. I know this may sound strange but this piece really taught me a lot about myself simple as it may be. 
This side up!

This side facing up!
Now sit it down and close the door.
Push the numbers 3, 0, 0, and then stop.
Hit start, then on comes the light.

Step back as the moisture builds.
There is silence, now listen closely
for a series of radiation induced pops.

Salivating mouth!
Open the door

Grab the bag, find the end:
This side facing up!


  1. I LOVE popcorn!!! Waiting the whole 3 minutes for it to be done seems like eternity!

  2. I am OBSESSED with popcorn as well. And seriously that's like the longest three minutes of my life.

  3. Really enjoyed reading your poem again. I remember the first time you shared it with me and i agree that this is a piece you should be proud of.

  4. I love it! Good work. I like seeing you apply yourself :)

  5. I love this piece and it made me think and read closely. I think I got it! I love how you slowed time down in this poem. You made something ordinary extraordinary with your focus.
