Post #3
The author talks
about the importance on Learning in Community and the Conversation of
Colleagues. So basically as teachers we need to make sure that we have great
relationships with the other teachers in our learning communities so that
learning can be more purposeful. We need to create a collegial community of discourse that promotes
"good talk about good teaching." Not only that but it allows us to
stay on the same page especially when we have multiple teachers in a community
who have the same students but it also makes planning and executing lessons
easier. Getting feedback on what does
and doesn’t work is also a very beneficial factor so that students are getting the
best deal in the classroom. In the
past teachers have always been able to do what they want once they close their
doors. According to the author the decision to resist feeling divided,
to teach from the heart, can result in change. To teach from the heart is to
heed the calling of the soul, for connection and community.
1. PLC’s are important part of learning communities
Your post is very true. It makes it easier for the teachers if everyone is on the same page because no one would be considered more advanced or ahead; everyone is on the same page. This is also helpful with different subjects too. Like if a history teacher is focused on the Holocaust, it'll be easier if the English/ Language Arts teacher is too because then he or she can give the students a novel to read like Boy in the Striped Pajamas or Anne Frank, and assign writing to go along with it.